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5 min
10 British pounds
Porchester Road

Cancellation Policy

Please read prior to booking an appointment with us. Deposits are non-refundable if you fail to cancel 48 hours prior to the appointment. For your own safety, we cannot offer you sugaring treatments if you are:  Currently taking Accutane, or have stopped taking it less than a year ago.   Taking any prescription acne medication.    You have lupus or AIDS.   Currently in cancer therapy getting chemotherapy or radiation.  Had Botox or collagen injections in the last seven days.   Had laser skin resurfacing within the past year.  Have a rash, recent scar tissue, a skin graft, pimples, cold sores, moles or warts.   Irritated, inflamed, cut, or sunburned skin.

Contact Details

  • 48 Porchester Rd, London W2 6ET, UK

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